Streamed Services

Services and other whole church activities use Facebook Live, see below for more information on how to set up notifications. Events are recorded and are available on Facebook afterwards.
Church services are streamed weekly .
If you haven't got the Facebook app then for mobile devices go to
or for other types of equipment such as PCs, etc please try
Find the menu that contains: Home, About, Photos, Events, Videos, Posts, Community.
Click on "Videos" to view recorded videos, click on "Posts" to see the current postings on which Facebook Live and chat appear.
In order to get Facebook Live notifications:
1) Go to the Emmanuel Facebook page as described above
2) Hover over or click on the "Following" button
3) Under Notifications click the "edit" button
4) Under Live Videos select "All Live Posts" for when to get notified of live videos
Emmanuel Baptist, 23/03/2020